13 Strategies to Boost Your Morning Energy

13 Strategies to Boost Your Morning Energy

  • 08 October, 2024
  • Amin Hunani

It’s a brand-new day, filled with opportunities and tasks waiting to be tackled. The morning sun peeks through the curtains, signaling the start of a fresh day. However, for many, the thought of jumping out of bed can feel daunting.

Rise at the Same Hour

To begin with, prioritize establishing a consistent sleep routine to simplify the process.

A 2018 review examining the sleep habits of more than 92,000 individuals revealed that "going to bed earlier and maintaining regular sleep patterns, with consistent bedtimes and wake-up times, are positively linked to better health." In simpler terms, waking up at the same time every day helps signal your body to stay alert. This regularity will also encourage you to develop a consistent bedtime, thereby reinforcing a healthy sleep cycle.

Establish a Regular Bedtime Routine

It's important not to concentrate solely on your mornings; your bedtime should be a wellness ritual as well.

A 2017 study involving children found that having a consistent pre-sleep routine leads to more restorative sleep, allowing participants to wake up feeling refreshed. This principle applies to adults as well.

Whether it involves putting your mug in the dishwasher or taking the dog for a walk, a pre-bedtime routine can help your body and mind relax and prepare for a good night's sleep.

Avoid the Snooze Button

Research indicates that getting out of bed at the sound of your first alarm, instead of hitting the snooze button for an additional 20 minutes, is essential for maintaining your body's natural sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm). Those extra minutes of sleep often do not provide significant restorative benefits and can lead to increased grogginess due to "sleep inertia."

By forgoing the snooze button, you might even reduce your risk of heart disease, helping you feel more energized in the morning and promoting better overall health.

Reduce Your Coffee Intake

If you find it challenging to wake up, reaching for a cup of espresso may seem appealing. While that's okay, moderation is key.

Although the health benefits of coffee are widely recognized, consuming too much in the morning can have negative effects. A caffeine spike can lead to an energy crash later, potentially interfering with your sleep that night and making it harder to rise the next day.

One study even revealed that participants reported feeling more fatigued the day after consuming caffeinated beverages. So, consider switching to decaf after your first cup!

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